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Gothic Horror


2020 - 2024

3D Design

3D Design

3D Design

Video production

Video production

Video production


Higher concept spooky horror environment - a locked-down dinner in a city under siege is interrupted when one of the guests turns into a monster. Focus on environmental storytelling and using lighting and composition to lead the viewer's eye from specific angles.

Modelled in 3DS Max and ZBrush, textured using Megascans and Substance Painter, and assembled, lit, and rendered in Unreal 5. Some asset packs for background buildings, food, and more complex statues.

Gothic Horror

Closer Look


Some of the overall environment modelling, including the complex clock window, damage detailing, and furniture.


Exterior modelling using some Epic asset packs, as well as primitives and large statues to sell the illusion of a distant, gothic city.

Atmosphere and sky created with a mixture of Ultra Dynamic Sky and fog cards.

Interior and lighting

Interior renders. I tried to create pools of orange light for a warm and inviting interior, shattered by the violence and damage, shifting sharply to blue and green towards the exterior.